My NCS Experience | It's Annie!
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. All views and opinions are my own. I wrote this at about 11pm Sunday night before starting Week 3 of NCS 2017 (I will write a separate post on week 3 & 4 at another time).

(From Left to Right) Me, Charlie, Issy, Callum

Hey Everyone,
Online, on Social Media and pretty much everywhere else, I'm sure that you've heard of NCS (National Citizen Service); if you've never heard of it, it consists of 4 weeks of life changing activities (you may think that I'm over-exaggerating, but I kid you not, NCS has changed my life!)
Week 1:
You meet new people, go away from home for five days and do incredible activities. I faced a lot of fears: fears of rejection, fears of being disliked, my fear of heights and the voice of anxiety pounding in my head. I don't think I could've been so wrong! I made friends instantly and gave everything a go (apart from the trapeze - it was the first thing I did that was high, I almost got to the top.... but started crying and shaking [I don't like gaps in the floor, like boardwalks, or stairs where you can see the floor below], I was a complete mess. I surrendered after staying still for a while and climbed down - I was the only person out of seventeen people who couldn't do it. I expected judgement, laughs and embarrassment, the voice in my head kept criticizing me and made me feel pathetic. But no one put me down, they kept telling me how good I did, and I could never find the right words to tell them how much that helped me and helped my confidence on everything else. I even eventually laughed at my fears because, by Friday, I went so much higher than the trapeze and I was fine, well, better than fine - I loved (now love...ish) climbing or anything like a high obstacle course. What you hear on the promotional video is right, the first week is the best and is where you grow most (as an individual and as a team) - I would talk about Week 1 forever but I have a few more weeks to talk about (and I'm sure you don't want an extremely long essay).
Week 2:
We went to the University of Kent, not all the talks were great (one of the leaders/organizers - Matt - apologized for it), however, the ones that weren't great don't compare to what I learnt (and learnt about myself) and remember from the rest. I now realize the bigger meaning and impact of volunteering (how time helps just as much - if not more - than money), how a 'simple' viral trend - like the ALS ice bucket challenge - can raise so much awareness for a charity like the MNDA (who raised over £7million due to this trend). Because of the talks, I want to better myself and help others a lot more and make a difference. I originally wanted a career in Media (Creative & Digital Media such as Blogging, Video Editing/Filming and Photography etc.) I want to do all that but work to promote charities like Charlton Athletic, Demelza, Ellenor, Mind (specifically Mind West Kent) and so many more...
Right here, Right now, I'm soon starting week 3 & 4 (Phrase 3) where I - along with my team - help a cause but my team and I want to get more involved and visit people to brighten up their days. It's the little things that make a difference. You can't give £1 to every single charity, but sharing a post on social media about one or many charities could help people and save lives (just look at the ALS ice bucket challenge - it raised so much awareness and funds for MNDA and has helped the charity so much).
So yes, NCS changed my life. I have a clearer view of what I want to do with my life - it's been in front of me since I was younger and they made me realize it again. I was bullied as a young child, but from what I remember of it/that time, I wrote stories and poems as an outlet (and I had nothing else to do with my breaks and lunches at school) I remember telling people, when I was this age, "If I can make someone else happy because of my stories and poems then I'm happy". These stories and poems made me start a blog (in year 6 - when I was about 10/11 years old) to share them on a wider scale, which then made me want to get into YouTube (and video editing) and then I decided - only in the past 2 years - that I wanted a career in media. NCS was my breath of fresh air! I feel more confident in myself and what I want to do. I don't care if I'm poor or rich when I'm older but if I can help anyone feel happy or feel good about themselves and not wonder why you weren't good enough or question everything (like I did all through primary and secondary school - minus a few exceptions and times) then it's all worth it.
I hadn't even finished the first day of the first week of NCS 2017 when I decided that I wanted to volunteer for next summer. Creativity and helping others define me (although I may not be good at either, but I try, I try and make a difference to try and help anyone and everyone in my life - if a friend is upset and I'm not having a great day either, I would want to make sure my friend is ok before myself [it's probably not healthy but that's how I am], this is just an example). NCS has made me realize that, so thank you! Thank you so much for the opportunity, the life lessons, the friends, the hope and for EVERYTHING!! (Some may think I'm over exaggerating but that's how I feel about the whole experience).
What should you take from this weird "My NCS Experience"/NCS appreciation post (I don't know what this post has turned into)? Take the opportunity. Do NCS! I'm not going to lie to you, I was scared and questioned (multiples times) why I signed up and if I should quit (along with other people, who questioned why I was still doing it because it was nothing that I would normally sign up for, let alone actually do) but something felt right, something said I should do it - as much as I wanted to, I just couldn't, and I am so happy that I didn't quit. Something in the back of my head made me need to do this. Well... I did it! I don't regret a thing, I just regret the fear and anxiety I felt (and I apologize to my team for being such a nightmare at times, but thank you for putting up for me - I'm sorry for being a handful). However, I definitely say sign up for NCS or volunteer for it! If you don't like that idea, go for that opportunity that frightens you (the one that you keep avoiding because you're afraid to get out of your comfort zone), or give back to your community or to those who help you, that you take for granted - be selfless and selfish all at once (help others to help you). Just believe in yourself and do it - if you don't believe in yourself, then I do, I believe in you 100% (someone has to).
So, this post is dedicated to (by the way, this post isn't sponsored, I just felt that this needed to be heard and I needed to say it - especially at 11:42pm when I'm going to NCS Week 3 and I have to be up at 7am tomorrow - I had to say this), I want to thanks:
- My entire team - Charlie, Issy, Callum, Sadiqun, Tamzin, Becky, Thia, Lia, Zvipo, James, Will, Josh, Millie and Sydney.
- Our team leaders and the rest of the leaders - specifically James and Temi.
- The Volunteers
- Those who work behind the scenes - those that we don't know about, who organised all the waves for this year (and every year).
- The people from companies/charities who talked to us, helped us and those who helped us during activities - like those at Marwell Activity Centre and University of Kent.
- And last - but not least - thank you Matt and Charlotte for making sure everyone was safe whilst having fun (especially during the party at the end of Week 2 - why? Well, I heard a leader who was talking to another leader mention how they felt like they were "bouncers" - although, I don't think I've seen so many people get up so quickly when a large group of teens were dancing and screaming). As well as making sure that everyone was happy and ok; I don't think I've ever been a part of something where, even if I've had a bad day, that I've very quickly had a smile on my face because of "Donut of The Day" - especially when Charlotte won it Week 2 because she had to go back home then go to the University of Kent (I'll save you the embarrassment of going into a lot of detail).
(I know that all the leaders would probably say that I don't need to thank them - because they're obviously paid to do it and choose to take part in NCS - but I felt like it would be wrong if they weren't acknowledged).
NCS is one of those things that, I know, will stay with me forever; it's one of those things that impact you so positively that you don't have enough time to say it all (I've just talked about week 1 and week 2 and I've pretty much have written an essay - and that's not ALL of it). It's the first time I've seen both teens and adults be treated equally (apart from having to say basically your every move - for safety and security reasons - which is fair enough) but because of the close and similar ages, between those who are doing NCS and the leaders, we can all have a laugh and enjoy ourselves together. (As you can tell, I have a lot to say about it, if you want more specifics, comment below or share on social media).
I just want to say thank you so much to NCS and Charlton Athletic. It's made me want to give back so much more frequently and in a much larger way than before. I guess all my free time will be spent helping others a lot more than what I already have (it's a shame I have another year of A Levels - otherwise I would volunteer and help charities a lot more - but I guess I have a year to plan more aha).
THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who I've met or spoken to during NCS - you've changed my life for the better. I'm definitely volunteering next year and will help charities and organisations through videos, blogging and creativity - like photography (I'm currently half way through editing my NCS Experience Montage - which may go up on Social Media, so I'll keep you updated).
Thank you for reading my extremely extended appreciation post. Feel free to share your thoughts and feelings below, I'll love to read about your experience of NCS or volunteering (I will reply when I can). I will try and share another post on Week 3 & 4, at some point - click here to see the blog I designed to help our team raise awareness for our charity (The Hospice in the Weald).
Thanks for reading!
Annie Basson
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