I'm posting again :) | Annie

Hey Everyone,

I know I haven't posted in so long, I'm sorry. I have posted my first video on YouTube and am currently uploading tonight. The way I planned for my blog hasn't really worked out so I'm thinking post on YouTube and my blog on Mondays. Well, until I find a decent routine.

It was my birthday on Tuesday and I got quite a bit (you can see my haul video below if your interested) and the day after... You won't believe me, but..... I met


It was for her girl online book signing. I was in the line for 2 hours and got 2 books signed (one for me and one for my best friend Grace). I was so happy and amazed that I met Zoella that I cried. I want to meet her again but at VidCon (so I can meet everyone else too.)

Zoe, if you're reading this (which I don't think you will be because what's the chances of you reading my little blog but any way), I just want to say a big thank you from me and many other fans for what you do and when you upload a video or blog post; you put a smile on our faces. Even if you have a bad day, we understand - nobody's perfect but to us your the most wonderful thing to happen and you give us hope and you inspire us to be us and if we don't know what we are, we get up and find it because you give us inspiration. You are the reason why I decided to restart my channel. I love you and thank you. Annie xx

I can't believe how many followers I have on my blog. I thank all of you and I know I talk about YouTube a lot but it's a passion of mine and for xmas I'm getting makeup so when I am good at using it, you'll have loads of tutorials. Trust me, in the new year, my blog will have structure and have a meaning.

See you next Monday (or later this week to make up for the late post).
Annie xxxx

My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SXMsqQ5BXjY6mSYt8r_xw/featured?view_as=public 
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnieB2511

Zoella's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/zoella280390
Zoella's Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZozeeBo


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