The "Who is my YouTuber Best Friend?" TAG | Annie
Hey Guys,
I'm currently on my computer watching YouTube and looking for stuff to do online (AKA the norm) and I came across a quiz titled "What YouTuber would be your best friend?" And I thought screen shot my answers and give my thoughts and it might not be the same as a video, but technically I can upload videos 'til my 15th birthday; I made a promise and no I'm not a 5 year old (well, maybe I act like one). But, seriously I can't lose the trust in my family 'cos that's not how I roll.
It's an online quiz (linked below):
And there are 6 questions.
DISCLAIMER! The only editing done in the post is grammar and typing errors and I'm hoping you can trust me in saying that I haven't started; and I'm also hoping that you are smiling in the fact that I thought you guys would like this post. :)
Hmmm...... I like the idea of a nice smile, a guy who's funny and sweet; but it depends on how silly a guy is, if he has a sense of humour, that's great (I think)! But I also wants a guy who loves me for me. And a sweet, charming guy who will do everything to make me happy and a funny guy who just wants to make me happy. Can't I pick all of them???? I bet if I had a BF or a crush I would know, *sigh* I'm so lonely. So lets pick! I choose option 3.
So, number 2, I dunno. Probably, his sense of humour 'cos for some reason I currently don't have a crush on any guy's appearance (yet) but I love how someone treats me etc. (I wish I had a crush!) I choose option 4.
Number 3, A LOT OF CUSSING of course. I hate it when people swear even when comedians swear I hate it, it makes me feel all disgusting 'cos I'm choosing to listen to that person. So, Option 1.
Number 4, ok, although it'll be nice to have all those things in a guy; however, definitely 'he accepts you for you'. Probably, 'cos growing up I've struggled with finding myself and to find friends due to bullying (maybe one day I'll do a "Draw My Life" video, once my channel kicks off and I feel like I can tell the world my story). I choose you Pikachu (jokes); I choose Option 3.
(Soz I got bored of print screening every answer I choose I'd do a print screen of all my answers at the end but this saves a lot of time). So, Number 5. What?!? What in the world does this mean? "What animal do I identify with?" Does it mean "What animal am I like?"? I don't know but that's what I'm gonna answer (in true Annie fashion). A llama: What? How? Why? How does a llama act? (My google search:)
Scatch that... couldn't find anything (AKA couldn't find anything on YouTube or Google in the top 5 pages, so I got bored.. aha).
Scratch the llama!
A lion: Loud and loves Africa (ps if you didn't know both my parents are South African and my mum's parents are British and went to South Africa when my mum's mum was pregnant with my mum and my dad's family are all from South Africa and I (along with my Bro(ther) Kyle) was born in the UK. I need to do a "DRAW MY FAM". PPS I dibs on that tag!!!!!!!!! PPPSSS Copy righted! PPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSS if you want to do the tag, please give me a shout out 'cos I created it PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSetc. This is just getting stupid. Back to my tag!))) Not a lion. I'm not loud unless I'm at home or with people I trust.
A cat: AKA a smaller version of a lion who isn't as vicious and loud and is also lazy. MEH!
A dog or Bear: Wait? They are two completely differently and couldn't you of picked one or the other. DUDE! (PS I say "dude" a lot. PPSS don't worry I'm not starting this again).
So I guess, a cat, 'cos I'm loud-ish and I'm lazy and I love being around people and going exploring. OH, now I see why the lion and cat are in two different categories. So, Option
3 (and yes I had to scroll up to see what option it was. LOL).
Question Last One, even though I've used ha-ha/aha and Meh (not Meeeeeeeh!!) do like Hey/Hi/Hello 'cos it means I'm either: seeing you guys again, making a YouTube vid/Blog Post, meeting and greeting my friends and fam or I'm meeting someone new. So, Option 4.
Now, for my answers!
ARGH! I forgot to put in my last answer, I'm not gonna screen shot a 7th screen shot of the questions. So Q6 is Hey/Hi/Hello.
Really? ALL MALE YOUTUBERS! But yay to a male YouTuber being slightly similar to me. But thanks for this quiz Amanda (name in top right of screen shot). If you have any quizzes or websites you want me to do something similar to or on, comment a link or message me in my links (on my "contact me" page). It would be awesome if you guys ask me questions in the comments or on my social medias, 'cos I really, really, really, really, really, REALLY etc. want to do a Q&A, and if I keep getting Qs I'll do it monthly, maybe weekly or even DAILY?!
I hope you found this entertaining but you also found out a lot about me. I know it's not school-ish yet but I'll do that series soon, I go back to school next week (3rd September) D: ps I need to get my school supplies still, but I'm going to do an post in a few days (maybe tomoz) about doing homework on school breaks/holidays/vacations .
Also, what days would you like me to post? Please comment, even if it says "Hi, How are you?" or something, 'cos at the mo I have over 4 followers/subs and I feel like no one is there :( not to make you feel bad).
Anyway lets leave on a good note!
Thanks for reading!
See ya later! xx
Annie xxxxxxxetc.
I'm currently on my computer watching YouTube and looking for stuff to do online (AKA the norm) and I came across a quiz titled "What YouTuber would be your best friend?" And I thought screen shot my answers and give my thoughts and it might not be the same as a video, but technically I can upload videos 'til my 15th birthday; I made a promise and no I'm not a 5 year old (well, maybe I act like one). But, seriously I can't lose the trust in my family 'cos that's not how I roll.
It's an online quiz (linked below):
And there are 6 questions.
DISCLAIMER! The only editing done in the post is grammar and typing errors and I'm hoping you can trust me in saying that I haven't started; and I'm also hoping that you are smiling in the fact that I thought you guys would like this post. :)
Hmmm...... I like the idea of a nice smile, a guy who's funny and sweet; but it depends on how silly a guy is, if he has a sense of humour, that's great (I think)! But I also wants a guy who loves me for me. And a sweet, charming guy who will do everything to make me happy and a funny guy who just wants to make me happy. Can't I pick all of them???? I bet if I had a BF or a crush I would know, *sigh* I'm so lonely. So lets pick! I choose option 3.
So, number 2, I dunno. Probably, his sense of humour 'cos for some reason I currently don't have a crush on any guy's appearance (yet) but I love how someone treats me etc. (I wish I had a crush!) I choose option 4.
Number 3, A LOT OF CUSSING of course. I hate it when people swear even when comedians swear I hate it, it makes me feel all disgusting 'cos I'm choosing to listen to that person. So, Option 1.
Number 4, ok, although it'll be nice to have all those things in a guy; however, definitely 'he accepts you for you'. Probably, 'cos growing up I've struggled with finding myself and to find friends due to bullying (maybe one day I'll do a "Draw My Life" video, once my channel kicks off and I feel like I can tell the world my story). I choose you Pikachu (jokes); I choose Option 3.
(Soz I got bored of print screening every answer I choose I'd do a print screen of all my answers at the end but this saves a lot of time). So, Number 5. What?!? What in the world does this mean? "What animal do I identify with?" Does it mean "What animal am I like?"? I don't know but that's what I'm gonna answer (in true Annie fashion). A llama: What? How? Why? How does a llama act? (My google search:)
Scatch that... couldn't find anything (AKA couldn't find anything on YouTube or Google in the top 5 pages, so I got bored.. aha).
Scratch the llama!
A lion: Loud and loves Africa (ps if you didn't know both my parents are South African and my mum's parents are British and went to South Africa when my mum's mum was pregnant with my mum and my dad's family are all from South Africa and I (along with my Bro(ther) Kyle) was born in the UK. I need to do a "DRAW MY FAM". PPS I dibs on that tag!!!!!!!!! PPPSSS Copy righted! PPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSS if you want to do the tag, please give me a shout out 'cos I created it PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSetc. This is just getting stupid. Back to my tag!))) Not a lion. I'm not loud unless I'm at home or with people I trust.
A cat: AKA a smaller version of a lion who isn't as vicious and loud and is also lazy. MEH!
A dog or Bear: Wait? They are two completely differently and couldn't you of picked one or the other. DUDE! (PS I say "dude" a lot. PPSS don't worry I'm not starting this again).
So I guess, a cat, 'cos I'm loud-ish and I'm lazy and I love being around people and going exploring. OH, now I see why the lion and cat are in two different categories. So, Option
3 (and yes I had to scroll up to see what option it was. LOL).
Question Last One, even though I've used ha-ha/aha and Meh (not Meeeeeeeh!!) do like Hey/Hi/Hello 'cos it means I'm either: seeing you guys again, making a YouTube vid/Blog Post, meeting and greeting my friends and fam or I'm meeting someone new. So, Option 4.
Now, for my answers!
ARGH! I forgot to put in my last answer, I'm not gonna screen shot a 7th screen shot of the questions. So Q6 is Hey/Hi/Hello.
REALLY?!? It should've at least been called "What YouTuber would be your Boyfriend?" 'Cos look at the answers:Really? ALL MALE YOUTUBERS! But yay to a male YouTuber being slightly similar to me. But thanks for this quiz Amanda (name in top right of screen shot). If you have any quizzes or websites you want me to do something similar to or on, comment a link or message me in my links (on my "contact me" page). It would be awesome if you guys ask me questions in the comments or on my social medias, 'cos I really, really, really, really, really, REALLY etc. want to do a Q&A, and if I keep getting Qs I'll do it monthly, maybe weekly or even DAILY?!
I hope you found this entertaining but you also found out a lot about me. I know it's not school-ish yet but I'll do that series soon, I go back to school next week (3rd September) D: ps I need to get my school supplies still, but I'm going to do an post in a few days (maybe tomoz) about doing homework on school breaks/holidays/vacations .
Also, what days would you like me to post? Please comment, even if it says "Hi, How are you?" or something, 'cos at the mo I have over 4 followers/subs and I feel like no one is there :( not to make you feel bad).
Anyway lets leave on a good note!
Comment who you got and you could/definitely will ('cos you commented) get a shout out with your blog/twitter/YouTube channel links included in one of my next posts.
Enjoy the weather whilst you can. *evil laugh* JokesThanks for reading!
See ya later! xx
Annie xxxxxxxetc.
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