YouTube Girl ~ Day 2 | Annie

Hey Guys,

I know, I know, I'm a day late but I went to a braai (it's Afrikaans / South Africa for BBQ) and I was still engrossed in my game, so to make up on being late I will do this post and a few others.

I have many girl YouTubers that I love to watch, like:

Sprinkleofglitter (Louise)

Mylifeaseva (Eva)

ijustine (Justine)

Bethany Mota

Tanya Burr

....... and SOOOOOOO many more....

However, there is ONE that I look up to most and she is Zoe Sugg (Zoella). Not that all other female YouTubers and the ones above aren't inspirational but I (for some reason) think that I am a younger version of Zoe, because I like and sometimes act like her. I know I'm absolutely bonkers to think this but you know, I'm crazy!

Zoella has also inspired me to do what makes me happy, which is YouTube and (of course) blogging, and so I want to eventually start my own YouTube channel, as well as having my blog.

Thanks for reading!
Again, I'm so sorry for the post being a day late.
Annie xx


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