New year, more organised me | Annie
Hey Everyone,
So how has your 2015 been so far? Mine? It's been good, more organised (so far) and I've enjoyed the music I've listened to so far. I will now be posting on my blog every MONDAY and on my channel every WEDNESDAY. I'm sorry that I'm always changing the days but I'd rather change the days then not post at all.
Have you got any new year resolutions or goals? I've got a few:
- No biting nails - I get too anxious and I bite my nails (or a pen lid) and I want to grow out my nails so I can actually paint them for once in my life.
- Concentrate - whether I'm in class or at home doing homework, I would much rather look out the window or listen to music (if I'm at home) or even plan blog posts or YouTube videos.
- (I know it's more of a goal but...) I would love to reach 100 + followers and 100 + subscribers on both my channel and blog - if you could make that happen I would be so grateful.
- Re-decorate my room - for example, DIYs, pillows, blankets, chairs, rugs etc. and add a special recording and blogging area in my room.
I know they're nothing special but I believe that they're achievable. I know this blog is tiny (I'm not even sure if any is reading this) but this is our corner of the internet and to me it's the most special place to me (as well as my channel). What would YOU like to see on my blog? Make-up tutorials? DIYs? Beauty? Fashion? Lifestyle? Also, do you want a QnA? I would love to do one so if you do let me know in the comments. To help me reach my goal of 100 followers why don't you share my blog (it would be amazing if you did - I would be so thankful).
Thanks for reading and I'll see you next week.
Love ya all
Annie xx
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