Work experience | Annie

Hey everyone,

If you follow my channel on YouTube, you would know that I didn't upload this week's video. I had to revise that evening so to be honest waiting for a video to upload was the last thing on my mind. So this week I will definitely upload on time. 

For the next two weeks I am doing work experience. This is where for two weeks I enter the world of work (most schools do it - mainly year 10s). Today was my first day, I felt so awkward - I worked in a charity shop and by the end of the day loved it. I am doing an OOTW for my channel so next week this is what you have to expect or maybe I'll do both weeks in one video. Anyway, this morning I was so anxious and thinking how will working in a charity shop help me in the future. Well, it makes me think about over people. I will definetly tell you how my week goes. Sorry for the short post but I'm so tired from today so hopefully you'll get another post this week. Also on my channel you have some videos with my brother and the TMI planned. 

Thanks for reading!
Annie xxx


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