My Everyday Blogging Challenge??? | Day 1 of 14

Hey Everyone, 

I haven't blogged in SO long (and I've really missed it). I am currently on my Christmas Break, so why not blog everyday for those 2 weeks (well, attempt to). 

What will you see for the next two weeks?
Who knows! I have had a few ideas so far but it could be anything (try not to be too scared). 

Am I back permanently?
I can't say for sure, I'm getting ready for really important mock exams in a couple of weeks but also have the real exams in May/June. However, after these exams in the Summer I'll try and be back as much as possible along with my YouTube channel restarting for the third time.

So, what now?
Come back every day (through Christmas and New Years) and see what's in store. How? Follow my blog through Google+. That's one thing I want to work on, blogging regularly and to try and build a bigger following (as I want to blog as a job when I leave school in 2 years - that would be a major dream come true for me). 

Thank you to everyone who reads my blog already. I hope you enjoy what I post and will post over these few weeks. 

Thanks for reading. 
Annie B. 


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