My Review of Rosanna Pansino's "The Nerdy Nummies Cookbook" | It's Annie!
Hey Everyone,
During the summer I had a love for baking - don't know why, all I wanted to do (all of a sudden) was bake. I ended up baking all of these treats (mainly chocolate cakes; I didn't have any food colourings, recipes - barely anything at all!) but I eventually purchased my first cookbook/baking book and I got so many comments on instagram about the book, so I thought I'll review my first baking book, "The Nerdy Nummies Cookbook" by Rosanna Pansino.
I've been watching Ro for a bit, by the time I got this book. I loved her personality, her videos and the wonderful creations she would make - which I personally don't feel I could pull off... but anyway. For those of you who don't know who Ro is (Rosanna Pansino) - which could possibly be criminal aha - she is a YouTuber who does baking videos and challenges (of course, food related); she released a book with all of these awesome recipes (some I've seen on her channel, but - honesty - haven't seen all of them on there).
The reason I bought this book was because I thought Ro's steps were easy and simple to understand in the videos (and they looked SO delicious I couldn't resist but try them for myself). However, like any YouTuber book, the original price was pretty steep (it should've been almost £17) - I understand YouTubers have an advantage for getting No. 1 on the boards (or whatever the leader board thing is) but it's kinda unfair when most of their audience are kids, who barely have any money, let alone spend most of it on a book. Anyway I digress, I luckily enough bought it for about £12 for mine - not a bad price compared to the original.
The book, itself, is laid out in a very night layout. For example, there is an equal amount of text and images (so it's not just boring block text - like another one I've recently bought), but the text is in enough detail so you can follow the steps without an issue. There are also images of the stages which help so much too.
Although, it does help when she's posted a video of the recipe. I made the chocolate chip cookies - although, I did them without the decoration, they still tasted SO good. This is the only one I've managed to make but I can say they taste as good as they look.
I can conclude that the purchase is worth it! (I think it's better than other books that cost about £20) It's the best laid out one I've found yet (ones that are dedicated to baking, that is - not baking AND cooking). Although - if Ro is actually reading this (Hi, love you aha) - I would say that it would be so helpful to see visual tutorials too, to see how it should be done (with techniques and all that jazz).
Thank you for reading! (I hope you enjoyed this different type of post - have a great day!)
Annie Xxx
To see Ro:
Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. I was not sponsored for this post and I love Ro, so me talking about the high prices of YouTuber books are not aimed at her, other YouTubers or anyone - I don't know anything about business or books (I understand that there is a reason for it). I am not hating on any YouTuber.
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