Favourite YouTubers | Annie

I know I said I like YouTube but who do I actually watch? I'm going to write a list of the YouTubers I watch the most. It is NOT a list of who is my favourite (I couldn't choose). I can't do them ALL because I have over 170 that I'm subscribed too.

Pewdiepie- He is a gamer and reacts to a lot of games. He plays some with his girlfriend (cutiepiemarzia) and He swears ALOT. Want to play a game? Go to pewdie's channel and see if you can play better then him. I doubt it though...

Shayards - They are a family of video bloggers and they videoed every single day of their lives for 5 years!!!! Crazy right? Want to see what they got up to go to their channel.

Bethany Mota - She is amazing! Beth does DIYs and is just a bubbly person. She had the chance to have her own clothing brand. She is just a big influence for me.

ijustine - She is kind, smart (well, it depends the situation), funny and entertaining. She plays games, vlogs and loads more...

Shane Dawson -  He swears a bit but he still is funny. But his back story made me think, "Oh, I didn't realise that". You're probably thinking "Well, yeh..." But hopefully you get my point, the things he makes videos about kinda reflect on his past.

The Fine Bros - The Fine Bros are the creators of Kids React, Teens React, YouTubers React and Elders React. I love all the series, they are so creative.

Beauty Blog ZA - She does makeup tutorials and a bonus is that she is my cousin. It's lovely to hear her voice. And she has just had a new baby boy (he is adorbs), so check out her channel.

Zoella - She has a blog  (http://www.zoella.co.uk/) and a YouTube channel, she also has a vlogging channel too. Vlogging is video blogging. She does beauty, fashion and more on her channels and blog.

Mylifeaseva - Her channel is fashion and DIYs and she does awesome videos, as well as Zoella.

If you want to visit the YouTuber's channel just click on their name because I have hyperlinked it to their channel for you. Make sure you subscribe to them, because they are all amazing in some shape or form.

My channel (when I re-start my channel. Be the first to see my first video, subscribe) - My YouTube Channel

Thanks for reading.
Annie xxx


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