Christmas Wish List | Day 4 | It's Annie!
Hey Everyone,
I've seen people do this idea, so I wanted to do this as well. Although, I am very grateful for anything anyone's got me (and that doesn't mean you need to get me anything) but these are just random ideas that I've wanted for a while - and I'll probably buy it myself.
1. Tripod
I would love to have a proper tripod; I've only got the small ones and would love to have a full sized one for media studies etc. The only reason I haven't bought one is because I don't what one to get (so if you have any ideas, please comment the one you use below).
2. External Hard drive
For media, we are learning how to edit using Adobe Premiere and my memory stick is almost full because of it. However, they're very expensive so I need to save up for them.
3. Baking stuff
I love baking so anything to do with baking I'll love! Whether it's a turntable, jars to put ingredients in, icing tips etc. I'll be happy.
4. Room Decor
I love changing my room for whatever the season is. I've been told off by my parents for buying too much.... oops! Oh well, my house when I move out will already have stuff to put in it. (I should've been an interior designer... if I was good at it).
5. Clothes
When I say clothes, I mean fuzzy socks, a few dresses (all mine somehow disappeared) and a few more pairs of boots. I'm not that into fashion I love being comfy; I have more pairs of pj's than I do outfits (probably). I wear boots out and about with fuzzy socks - I know, I know, I'm SO lazy!
6. Sports Equipment
I want to be more healthy so I want to get things like yoga mats, weighted hula hoops (love hula hoops) and skipping ropes - I think. I prefer the home workouts because people keep telling me "you don't need to lose weight, you're already skinny"..... I just want to feel good and I am gaining weight (in the wrong parts) - but thank you, ahaha.
So, those are the main things I would like but my family & friends probably know me better than I do, so you know what I would want, to be completely honest.
Thanks for reading!
See you tomorrow.
Annie Xxx
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