How to beat the Winter Blues | Day 13 | It's Annie!

Hey Everyone,

I don't know about you but when it's colder, I don't seem to be as motivated to do stuff (for example, I procrastinate a lot more in winter than in summer - I would've thought it was the other way around but anyway). But I was just sat at my desk (well, I was dancing to music) to find motivation and it suddenly hit me - I was feeling better after listening (and dancing awfully) to music; so here are my tips!

1. Music
For me, music is one thing that can drastically change my mood. If you really know me then you'll know me when I'm really in a good mood because I dance like no one's watching. Is it just me that acts like I'm in a music video when listening to music? Most likely! (It probably doesn't help that I do Media Studies too aha.)

2. Get away from social media
Sometimes it's nice to switch off from the negativity in the media, especially in the news; all they seem to talk about is all the bad stuff in the world - so invite some friends round or phone them rather than scrolling through social media (because we all seem to compare ourselves to this idea of perfect that doesn't truly exist).

3. Have some "me" time
Following on from the previous point, look after your physical health as well as your mental health. Why not read a book, paint your nails, put a face mask on. Do whatever you do to wind down. I find sometimes I need to have a break during the week when school and everything gets too much.

4. Go outside
A bit of a random one but I find going for a walk or even going somewhere on the bus is really relaxing. It gets you out of the house and changes the routine a bit so it doesn't feel like you're re-living each day the same.

I hope these tips help and if you are having a difficult week, I hope it gets better :) What are your tips? Comment them below!

Thanks for reading!
See you tomorrow.
Annie Xxx

P.s. Hi to Isla who I was talking to while writing this post ahaha. Hey :)


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