10 tips on getting your homework done & Planning a Halloween Q&A | Annie
Hey Guys,
So, Day 1! Yay! I was thinking of doing a Q&A at the end of my 2 week challenge. So, comment a question (or a few if you are a bit adventurous). I'd love to hear from you guys.
To the post! So, if your like me you have homework. Argh! It's worse when it's on a weekend and half term or summer holidays. You've guessed it! I have homework. I said I was going to do it on Thursday (but I had coursework to do), Friday (who does homework on a Friday) and Saturday and Sunday I couldn't be bothered. So, I'm going to give you 10 ways to get your homework done; especially when it's the last thing you want to do.
1) Put away the electricals! I know, I know I can't get away from Blogger or Youtube (my obsessions), so why not do homework for 20 minutes to 1 hour then on the electronics for 10 minutes and keep doing this until your work is done.
2) Do it ASAP!!! Sooner it's done sooner you can watch da LOLs.
3) Get away from distractions. Go to your room or dining room and just get it done.
4) Tell yourself that you will do it today. Make it happen, unlike me who keep saying that for 5 days straight. OOPS!!!!
5) Don't leave it to the last minute. It's just easier.
6) Treat yourself! Because you're doing homework and want to get it done, say to yourself. Ok, tomorrow as soon as I get up I will do my homework then I will go on YouTube or Netflix to treat myself. And just think then you have the rest of the day to relax. :)
7) Ask for help. If you are pushing away the homework because it's too difficult. Ask for help from your friends or people from your class.
8) Don't get sidetracked. You'll regret it later, trust me on this one.
9) Make it fun! Homework isn't the funest thing ever, but listen to music as you can do a little boogie as you do a horrid bit of homework.
10) Just do it! Then you don't need to follow this list.
Hope you liked this post, hopefully tomorrow I will do my homework as I was very naughty and didn't do it. Slap on the wrists! Naughty Annie!!
Remember I'm going to be doing a Q&A on Halloween! So please comment your questions I'll love to hear from ou guys.
Annie out! Xxxxxx
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