Trial and (mainly) error zombie look | Annie

Hey Guys, 

actually have no idea what to post about (sorry), so I'm going to wing it. 

Today I decided to try a zombie eye look. I tried it, I look tired; so, tomorrow me and my mom are going to try and figure out how to make it look like a pencil coming out of my face (I'm going to be a zombie nerd). This is what I looked like:

I know I look tired and it looks a bit like I got hit in the face, but for applying makeup properly for the first time, I did really good. (I'm starting to want to start my own makeup collection, I'll buy some makeup on my birthday). 

Tomorrow Is Halloween, so you will get OOTN (outfit of the night, along with makeup and maybe a sweets haul / candy haul). Tomorrow is also my Q&A post so please send in your questions (through Twitter or through the comments ). 

Sorry if this post wasn't as expected, I've been a little busy today so I haven't had time to do anything as interesting as yesterday. 
See you tomorrow
Thanks for reading
Annie xxx


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