Surviving Christmas Mocks | Blogmas Day 7

Hey Everyone, 

I was a bit lost for ideas today, I won't lie, and I have mocks coming up so will be revising and doing coursework etc. (The joys of upper school/Sixth form). So, I'm reposting an advice post from last year, I hope you still find it useful - if you have any ideas please let me know. I hope you enjoy!

See you tomorrow!
Annie Xxx


Hey Everyone,

It's almost Christmas!... which means end of term mocks. ARGH!!! The worse thing possible, it should be easier at the end of the year, not harder. So here are a few of my tips (feel free to comment links below to help others).

1. Don't stress!
With these, they're just to see how you're doing so far in the year. They don't mean that much but obviously try your best.

2. Do at least some revision if needed.
If you struggle with the subject then read over notes or do revision notes ready for your final exams, GCSEs or A-Levels.

3. Switch off.
By this I mean have dedicated work times and relax times. Don't watch tv whilst doing homework because it'll drag on forever (trust me - I've made this mistake). Have "study areas" where you only do work and not having your phone or laptop near.

4. Enjoy it!
I don't mean enjoy the exams, make the revision fun - use colour, post-it notes etc. 

I hope you enjoyed this post (sorry it was a bit shorter). What are your tips? Let me know below.

Thanks for reading!
See you tomorrow.
Annie Xxx


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