The Christmas Tag | Blogmas Day 8

Hey Everyone,

Today I was going to do "The Christmas Tag" like I did last year, however, I looked back at it and nothing's really changed since last year. Instead of ignoring the idea all together, I thought I'd just reshare it.

I hope you enjoy!
Annie Xxx


Hey Everyone,

Today, I am doing the Christmas Tag. I thought why not! I haven't really gotten into Christmas this year unfortunately so why not. (The picture above is of my Christmas tree this year; my mum chose the colour scheme, I had - attempted - to decorate the tree.) So, let's get into this!

 What is your favourite Christmas movie/s?

Definitely the Santa Claus. I don't know why but it isn't Christmas until that comes on - I've recently got all three DVDs. I'm also discovering new Christmas films like The Nine Lives of Christmas and Christmas Cookies. I love Christmas movies, Christmas Towns and Christmas Relationships (they're SO adorable)... I think I love Christmas EVERYTHING!!!

Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
I do it on Christmas Morning. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? If you can open presents on Christmas Eve I'd love to join that tradition.

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
I have two main ones: this time 4 years ago, my family and I went to South Africa to spend the first time with my dad's family for Christmas. I have so many awesome memories from that trip and I wish I could go back to visit again. My second one: a few years ago, my uncle's house almost flooded, so on Christmas Eve me and my family went down to help and the next day was just fun, we all went down in our wellies with trays of food and desserts. It was one year I remembered well.

Favourite Festive Food?
Does the entire roast count?? I love roasts in general and Christmas roasts are SO much better with more of a variety of food. And I love my mum's peppermint crisp tart - it's SO nice! I also want to try Christmas baking this year too. 

Favourite Christmas Gift?
To be completely honest I don't know. I just remember how I feel on Christmas morning. I love me and my family opening up presents and everything because I know I won't have Christmas like this every Christmas so I really treasure it. (wow this got deep quick).

Favourite Christmas Scent?
I love cinnamon anyway, but I LOVE cinnamon and spices at Christmas even more than normal.

Do you have any Christmas Eve Traditions?
No, not really. Wish we did though.

What tops your tree?
A beautiful Angel. We've had the same angel for as long as I can remember and it just has to be an angel - don't know why but for our family it's tradition.

As a kid what was the one big gift you always asked for but never received?
There was this horse toy I wanted that you could ride and everything I thought it was amazing! And I wanted a baby alive - but I got other amazing gifts that I was so grateful for, for what I had been given.

What's the best part about Christmas for you?
The family and the food. I love how we have a massive conversation that my family wouldn't normally have during barbecues. I just love the family part.

Thanks for reading! What are your answers to the Christmas Tag (let me know in the comments)?
See you tomorrow.
Annie Xxx


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